Why Train with Us?

Save Time

  • Courses automatically bookmark the last page viewed. Close your course window at any time and later resume from where you left off.
  • Courses are accessible from any computer with an Adobe Flash plugin.
  • Courses are self-paced with interactive multimedia components.

Save Money

  • Courses are only a fraction of the cost of equivalent classroom training. You can often train several or all of your employees online with the cost of only one classroom training!
  • Online store offers automatic bulk pricing on multiple course purchases. The more courses you buy, the more you save!
  • Free Learning Management System to easily distribute and track online training.
  • Free technical support.

Money Back Guarantee


We are so confident that you will love our online courses that we offer you a money back guarantee. If for some reason you are not satisfied, please contact us within 90 days and we will refund your money.